Vietnam ranks 15th among the most populous countries in the world. Despite the large population, current genetic research on Vietnamese population is often based on widely-used genetic databases which have very little information related to Vietnamese. Consequently, building a Vietnamese human genetic variation database is of paramount importance to develop our understanding of local genetic variations.

The project focuses on building the largest-scale database of Vietnamese human genetic variation to date. This will be accomplished through the sequencing of 1,000 Vietnamese people using Illumina’s Next-Generation Sequencing, providing 30x depth of coverage. This data will then be analyzed to determine genetic variations, including single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions and deletions (INDELs), and structural variants (SVs). This database is expected to establish a foundation for future research in genomics on Vietnamese population, including genetic disease risk prediction and pharmacogenomics; ultimately paving the way for the application of precision medicine in Vietnam.